General information about company

Name of The CompanyBharat Bhushan Finance & Commodity Brokers Limited
BSE Scrip Code511501
NSE Symbol
MSE Symbol
Date of Start of Financial Year01-04-2021
Date of End of Financial Year31-03-2022
Reporting PeriodFirst half yearly
Date of Start of Reporting Period01-04-2021
Date of End of Reporting Period30-09-2021
Level of rounding used in financial resultsLakhs
Whether the company has entered into any Related Party transaction during the selected half year for which it wants to submit disclosure?Yes

Related party transactions

A. Details of related party

Name of the related partyMr. Vijay BhushanMrs. Nisha AhujaMrs. Sant Kumari AgarwalMs. Madhvi AhujaMr. Madhav Bharat BhushanMr. Arun Kumar GargMr. Ravindra SinghMr. Varun SaihgalMr. Kuldeep Kumar GuptaMr. Satish AggarwalMrs. Sandhya JhalaniMr. Pankaj Singh BishtMr. Kishan SinghBharat Bhushan Equity Traders LimitedBharat Bhushan & Co.
Categories of related partiesKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentEntities with joint control or significant influence over entityEntities with joint control or significant influence over entity
description of relationshipNon-Executive DirectorNon-Executive DirectorNon-Executive Director (Ceased to be Non-Executive Director with effect from May 20, 2021)Non-Executive DirectorNon-Executive Director (Appointed as Director with effect from June 12, 2021)Non-Executive DirectorIndependent - Non-Executive DirectorIndependent - Non-Executive DirectorIndependent - Non-Executive DirectorChief Financial OfficerManagerCompany Secretary (Ceased to be Company Secretary with effect from close of business hours on August 07, 2021)Company Secretary (Appointed as Company Secretary with effect from August 09, 2021)Enterprises under common control /enterprises where person described above is able to exercise significant influence.Enterprises under common control /enterprises where person described above is able to exercise significant influence.
CIN of related partyU74899DL1982PLC014259

B. Details of related party transactions

Purchase of goods and services250
Sale of goods and services
Purchase of fixed assets
Sale of fixed assets
Rendering of services
Receiving of services23030570
Loans and advances given
Loans and advances taken
Loans and advances given that are repaid
Loans and advances taken that are repaid
Deposits placed
Deposits taken
Transfer of research & development
Transfers under lease agreement
Equity investment
Impairment in equity investment
Expense for bad or doubtful debts
Guarantees or collateral given
Guarantees or collateral taken
Interest income
Interest paid
Dividend income
Dividend paid
Management contracts including for deputation of employees
Settlement of liabilities by entity on behalf of related party


Short term employee benefits29066029500012700083000
Post employment benefits
Other long-term benefits
Termination benefits
Share based payments

C. Outstanding balances


Un Secured


Un Secured

Loans and advances given

Un Secured

Loans and advances taken

Un Secured

Deposits placed

Un Secured

Deposits taken

Un Secured

Guarantees or collateral given

Un Secured

Guarantees or collateral taken

Un Secured

Investment in equity

Un Secured15543475

Provision for doubtful debt

Un Secured


1. Sitting fees to Non-Executive Director- 17,700
2. Rent paid- 21,240
1. Sitting fees to Non-Executive Director- 20,060
2. Rent paid- 21,240
Sitting fees to Non-Executive Director
Sitting fees to Non-Executive Director
Sitting fees to Non-Executive Director
Sitting fees to Non-Executive Director
Sitting fees to Non-Executive Director
Sitting fees to Non-Executive Director
Salary and other benefits
Salary and other benefits
Salary and other benefits
Salary and other benefits
1. Depository Charges paid- Rs.250 
2. Sales and purchase of securities etc. and other similar transactions through related party and Net derivative / difference in share dealing- 23030570 and brokerage charges paid at the rate of Rs. 0.05 paisa per share .
3. Outstanding Balances of Investments -Fair Value-15543475